Tag Archive | Aquatic beetles

Seasonal and annual variation of aquatic beetles abundance in different wetlands of Manipur | JBES

JBES Aquatic beetles 21,04,2019By: M. Bhubaneshwari Devi

“” JBES welcome all of you to submit your research paper for publication in the field of Environmental sciences, Biodiversity etc. Please submit your manuscripts via Online submission panel .“”

The studies aimed to record the seasonal influence in occurrence and abundance of aquatic beetles (Order- Coleoptera) in different wetlands of Manipur. The wetlands were visited monthly from September 2007 to August 2008 to sample aquatic insects using D-pond nets. The research was conducted at 9 wetlands in 9 districts of Manipur during pre-monsoon (March to May) 2015, monsoon (June to August) 2015, Post monsoon (September to November 2015) and winter (December to February) 2015- 2016. Continue reading

Dytiscidae, Noteridae and Hydrophilidae of semi-arid rivers and reservoirs of Burkina Faso: species inventory, diversity and ecological notes – JBES

Aquatic beetlesBy: I. Kaboré

Key words: Aquatic beetles, Vegetation, Semi-arid, Burkina Faso, West Africa.


Conservation of biodiversity is a major concern due to climate change and pressure from human activities. Knowledge of aquatic insects and their ecology particularly in West Africa is still scanty and fragmented. Continue reading