Urban and peri-urban agriculture in Cameroon: Status and perspectives for development – IJAAR

SustainabilityBy: Kenfack Essougong Urcil Papito


Like elsewhere in the world, Cameroon is experiencing rapid and unplanned urbanisation. Simultaneously, there is a growing number of urban and peri-urban farmers. This paper analyses the status of urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) in Cameroon. We found that UPA is widely practised by urban dwellers of all social category and provides multiple benefits ranging from employment creation, revenues, food security and environmental services. However, due to an improper planning, its non-official recognition, insufficient access to productive resources especially land and water; in some cases, UPA can negatively impact human health and environment because of an uncontrolled intensification of production systems and the questionable quality of the food supplied by urban farmers. Sustainability,Therefore, to build sustainable urban production systems, we recommend an official recognition of UPA, its inclusion in urban master plans; the demarcation and development of agricultural zones in cities, the design and implementation of programmes and projects to support urban farmers; intensive farmers capacity building and the promotion of urban waste valorisation through composting. Furthermore, more empirical researches are needed to provide up to date quantifiable information on UPA contribution to urban livelihoods, food security and environmental protection, and the types of relationships existing among the various stakeholders involved in UPA.

Author Information:

Kenfack Essougong Urcil Papito

Department of Agricultural Economics and Agrocampus Ouest Rennes, Department of Physical Environment, Landscape, Architecture and Territorial Development, Ghent University, Belgium

Key words: Sustainability, Urban planning, Food security, Livelihoods, Environment, Cameroon.

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Journal Name: International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR)

Published By: International Network for Natural Sciences

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